10 Ways To Carve Out Time For Self-Care

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Let’s be honest when it comes to taking time to self-care– as wive, mothers, women in general we are solidly slacking in the department of putting us first. A while back I chatted about why it is important to give yourself some grace – and today we are chatting 10 things I have been doing to really help carve out time for self-care. You know the old saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” so today we are finding ways to make sure we put ourselves first and fill our cups. Keep reading to see my tips that you can implement ASAP on how to carve time out for self-care!

Needing to find a way to carve time out for self-care? CLICK HERE as Eating with Erica is sharing her top 10 tips to carve time out for self-care ASAP!

When it comes to self-care, I can’t stress enough how important it actually is for maintaining overall well-being and managing stress. Seriously ladies, it is essential! Here are my top 10 favorite ways I have been implanting in order to carve time out for self-care.

Create a Routine: I can’t stress this one enough. For me establishing a daily or weekly routine that includes specific times for self-care activities can help you make it a consistent habit. I like to put it on my calendar almost like an appointment so it makes a bit harder to slack on doing it. Whether it’s a morning meditation, an evening walk, a mid-day workout, or a weekend spa day, having a set schedule makes it easier to prioritize.

Set Boundaries: I will be the first to admit this one took a bit of leaning into, in order to get used to it – people pleaser here! But when you learn to say no to activities or commitments that drain your energy and take away from self-care time- it is seriously FREEING. Setting boundaries with work, social obligations, or even technology can give you the space you need to focus on yourself.

Start Small: You don’t need hours of free time to practice self-care. Begin with small, manageable activities that you can easily fit into your schedule. This could be as simple as a 10-minute mindfulness meditation, a quick stretch session, a little walk around the block, or even something small like enjoying a cup of tea in peace.

Multitask Mindfully: This is something I tend to do often. Combining self-care with other activities you enjoy or need to do. For example, listening to uplifting podcasts or audiobooks while exercising, practicing gratitude during your commute, or taking a relaxing bath with a book. Sometimes multi-tasking can be both self-care and productive.

Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for overall well-being. I have been known to get between 5-6 hours but I am trying really hard to implement and stick to a solid 8-9 hours of sleep. Establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, such as reading a book, listening to calming music, or practicing gentle yoga stretches. Let’s be honest sleep is extremely important to our overall health – its when we regenerate and re-energize.

Needing to find a way to carve time out for self-care? CLICK HERE as Eating with Erica is sharing her top 10 tips to carve time out for self-care ASAP!

Delegate Responsibilities: It’s okay to ask for help. This is something I have been relying on alot more lately – especially my husband. Delegate tasks at home or at work to free up time for self-care. This could mean asking family members to pitch in with household chores or collaborating with coworkers on projects.

Schedule “Me Time”: Treat self-care as an important appointment in your calendar. Block off time for yourself just as you would for any other commitment. Treat this time with the same respect you would a meeting or appointment. This sort of goes back to my point number 1 – and make it a routine. But if you are like me – you live by a schedule the best you can – so this tip will help a ton!

Connect with Nature: Spending time outdoors has numerous mental and physical health benefits. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike, or simply sit in a natural setting to clear your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Sometimes we just need a little fresh air, Vitamin D and a little grounding in the grass.

Practice Mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being. Engage in mindfulness activities such as deep breathing exercises, mindful eating, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the world around you.

Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support and encouragement. Talking about your self-care goals and challenges can help you stay accountable and motivated. Have friend dates and catch up sessions and encourage one another.

Needing to find a way to carve time out for self-care? CLICK HERE as Eating with Erica is sharing her top 10 tips to carve time out for self-care ASAP!

When it comes to self-care, remember, self-care is not selfish—it’s essential for your physical, emotional, and mental health. By making it a priority and finding ways to incorporate it into your daily life, you can cultivate a greater sense of balance and well-being and fill that cup that we often find empty! So do yourself a favor and start implementing these tips on how to carve out self-care for yourself ASAP!

What are a few of your favorite ways to carve out time for self-care? Let me know in the comments below!


Needing to find a way to carve time out for self-care? CLICK HERE as Eating with Erica is sharing her top 10 tips to carve time out for self-care ASAP!
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