Easy Wine: A Really Quick Guide to Choosing and Enjoying Wine

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51xt1MHqNBL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_Corey D. Boddie is not only an attorney, he’s also an author.  He has written a new book called ‘Easy Wine: A Really Quick Guide to Choosing and Enjoying Wine.’  His wine education was obtained at The Napa Valley Wine Academy certified by the Wine & Spirit Education Trust, and he’s a member of the Society of Wine Educators and American Wine Society.

When I was first invited to read this book, I immediately thought ‘I hope this isn’t a long book,’ but I was very intrigued by the title.  After reading this book, it was short, sweet, and extremely informative.
It’s more like a guide for an entry-level wine drinker.  This book is perfect for those who drink the same brand over and over or who have no formal knowledge of wine.  For many people, the problem with learning about wines is that they don’t know the difference between a Cabernet Sauvignon versus a Chianti or Merlot or Pinot Noir or Zinfandel.

When I finished reading ‘Easy Wine,’ I felt like I learned a little more about my wines.  My cousin is turning 21 this month, so I will definitely be getting this book for her as a gift.  ‘Easy Wine’ opens with a short history of wine and answers simple questions most wine newcomers want to know such as:

How long does a bottle of wine last once opened?

Where should wine be stored?

How do I differentiate between the varieties?

How do I properly experience wine using all of my senses?

What’s up with the sniff, swirl, and slosh that I see wine experts doing?

What do descriptions such as dry, balanced, harmonious, and complex mean?

Which wines fall under the various categories?

You can and should go online to order your copy online at amazon.com


You won’t be disappointed.


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