Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned blogger, it’s absolutely critical that you put your best foot forward. And, after years of trial and error (and lots of practice), I’ve been able to secure and execute brand partnerships, get paid to blog and share what I love to do with the world, which is eating and drinking!

You can become the “go-to” blogger in your field too! Through my blog consulting services, you’ll be able to grow your blog and your craft at the same time.

For bloggers who are just getting started, you can learn:

  • Why should you start a blog (I know you’re passionate about what you do, but we’ll outline what your ultimate purpose is, what results you want to see out of your blog and how to best share your content!)
  • How to start a blog (these are the essential basics: what web platform to use to host your blog, what social media platforms you should use to promote your blog and how to manage and curate your best online self)
  • How to establish a brand voice (here, I provide the tips and tricks on how to create a unique brand voice and tone that have readers flocking to you and brands swooning to work with you!)
  • How to find your audience (who are your day 1 fans? I’ll help you figure this out and help you connect with them in a way that feels authentic and special to you!)

For bloggers who aren’t new to the game, but have been working on their blog for a year or two, here’s what we can work on:

  • How to work with brands (I’ll provide you with how to make the connections you need in your industry to successfully work with brands)
  • Tips and tricks on how to improve (you’re spinning your wheels but you aren’t seeing success? I can help you figure out how to improve your blog and your social media presence so you can grow your following and your content)

Interested in working with me? I can provide you with the guidance you need to create an amazing blog and social media presence! 

Schedule a consultation to get started today!